The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)

9 grefct deal of rloo has beerr ihed 1 I I I looked at jthe fbattered watch the self-commissjioned Major han ied me. 1 wis an old doilar Ing rsoll. 1 ri'hat are you ksking for? thif object art?" il inquired. I "The customary twenty tiny beamed jthe old man. i "What makef it worth th extra liineteen?" 1 "The part it Has played in shap- Ihg he lives of boomed Timothy.

"But! before I furnish addi ional fodqer jfor yourun- leue ea quiuings, jnow aDQQi a wee drap of th creature?" I I opened the rhediclne chesvand got he bottle of bourbon. fThe Major went through his regular ritua He podredl a few drops into glass, dipped a cornefr of his handkerchief into the bourbon, delicately moistened his lips, nd then up-ended jthe bottle. As he put the bottle downj he gave pie the hynoic eye which had sld many a'iiftcent kewpie doll ipr five doilarfTThe scene is- Gilhooley's Qar jnd Grill on Ninth! Avenue" he declaimed. tim a few minutes before midnight. Into ithejbar comes a giant 6f a man.

le orders a double hiskv and tosses it down neat. As thf giant tuins leave, jjhel man wno is stanping- next to rum at the) bar yells-hif pocket $as been picked and Recuses the new-eomer 1 Before yoti can say 'Mulligan's Aromatl Acrobatic Itching Soap1, a braivl starts tip. The who clajimslh was robbed a6d a dozei olj his friends gang lip on the giaqt. What en-rues ii reninisceht ojf Napoleon's Retreat from Mocowj. The picks tip his attackers two at a lime, knocks theif heads togethler and stacks the bo)die in -a corqpr like kindling "Didj you see this yourself asked the Major.

rFrohi a vantage point under a-tablef, said Morgan. "When tjhe" giarrt l-ft Gilhoofcy's I left with hini- lie interested nae. He wIbs the oily tall pickpocket I hid encounjered in an; experience em craving 40 years and five tments i the key to Fort jiKriox In rby Vanrl Tk. n.m-rr' ilwi. VS.

A The lh hand. handled his 13 attaVkers stamp ed ninv tefiaL my overgrown friend hifnsel hiind than irj way giant hfd as championship fight ma- Beneath i friendly street light an Fmy'-first Street, I tdld more mcjney the othjer his pockej. I it up. But instead oC using his talented right, the giant kept pawing at his ppponeift; with his left. He seemed afraid to use the other hand.

I figured inaybe he had hurt his right in the infight ing. It only took Old Man Bicks a few seconds to figure the same way. He starteq throwirig leather at my boy. Instead of; facing up to him. Ignorant Eddie kjept back ing away, trying 10 cover up with his left.

Jwo swings later, my boy was on the canvas. We cart-i him off to the dressing room and laid! him out on table. produced a bot- tlA nf hranHv "Which you otrank," hcut in. 2 Zi i i A. HoU- did you 5cnoV he was? a i no con- pickpocket?" i anion xo appreciate The Klaior iftftW Th Jt'm 'od Major, "His right hand like aklng Einstein Wether tfr.

was UU-cloaedJ I priediopen the Conan is a good he flnger enUv itn orde not to said wth dignityj I further damage; the hand(. At this rAs we passed jMadisbn Square I moment ne came 10, ana; wnen he irdei. I suddenly realized I had he received second knock? Garc out of the evening." "You don't mean td belted the poqr boy, panned. "Poor boy. Indeed!" hr putting Bis wl.ich he had fellow's eve i ginning of the say you I dead- stled the Major.

"In Ignorant fiddle's rieht ihe could j(et hand was the tefeVee'i llngersoll lifted ati the be- second ound. CopyrUht 1047, News Briefs From Many Points Burned to Death TORONTO 'OEiv Martin ay mi Noj. 1. (CP) 54(: was burne burned fto death iarly todayj in he bedroom of herihome. Fiiemen found the bed arjd mattresji ii herj roim blazing- furiously jon theif arrival.

Property damage light. find Body! In Lake. PRCKCE ALBERT, nv. 13. (C) RCMP reported yesterday Melvin Christia(h-son.

ab Prince Albert timber was found -in Montreal Lake. J100 miles i north of hete. Death said djue to drowning. Oplen School of Weaving. FORpT WILLIA Nov.

13. (CP) A school of weaving, first fin Ontari entirely under jurisdiction of the Provincial -Planning and pevelopmeiit jDepartmeht, opened here yesterday. Twelve students were enrolled. 1 I Woiid Halt Aid to Europe. Washington! jAv.

A suit to bar President Trumlin ana uongress irom approving furthes aid to Ebrope was fifed here yesterday, bavid A. A. Olson, 4P, who identified himself as a builder and en- junctidn on the grounds that sufch actionj by the Chief Executive and Cbngress exceeds authority uaq ui ujc utpajrvrs money. Bnrninr Shin? "Hrr Port, i HONG KONG, Nov. 13.

(fflt ed burning at sea, is expected in Hong Kong this afternoon with two holds flooded and the fire out, officials here said today. Sauerkraut to Be Scarce. WATERLOoJ nov. jl3. (CP) Sauerkraut will pxohgbly be scarce in Ontario this Winter and the blame can be laid oh a scarcity of cabbage.

A Waterloo sauerkraut manufacturer bays the cabbage crop this year1 ivas only one-fifth of thei norma yjeld and raw cabbage brought higher re turns than the, processed sauer kraut Marks 100th Birthday. TORONTO Nov 15 tcv James Skelton, Who celebrates his 100th birthday has been good suffers an ache ing is good, he today, I says time him. He never or palnL his hear read oactlv with glasses and his appetite! is as eood as any other In his household. Born in Ireland, he came to Can ada in 1868 and; worked fof a time in Kingston, Oi)t ELECTED SENATE PRESlDFKT COLOMBO. Nov.

12; Ceylon's first Senate today elected Sir Gerard Wijeyekoon Senate nres- ident. by a vote of 14 to 13. Thi island is seeking Dominion status within the British Commonwealth under a new-government! sworn in Sept 26, ARTHUR, Tucker, former Conservative member of nine iuicn snip xpnerat, report- of Wellington West "'I'Vi 'v 1 lUVtfiviiiu Pi! 1 i dispfses of them. 1 I i You'n Be lf illJkS '3lf '-4 A veircat 3W Livingroor Ehserrible t. Be prepared for that first C0W TV I Again Leach's offer a rejal Iportunity to the hcjme- VL We ffiM stock of TOlvWl maker- here femble consisting of a -v 1 ready-made overcoats and the IInIh well made and attrackiv 3-piece spring ifjlled 1 best selection of materials lin I v( jchesterfteld suite 2 wjtlh't finished end tables VI 1 years to tailor a coat io your vfc 'WtoMr1 'Iovcly table lamp5f-al metal -g A i individual measure, WW 'V, I Zlv I i i I lyjr an 2 nicely framed piturts.

All I 1r I Viui5r 'this at a very genuine $3E-O0 '-rV vi up I "You rAlu)dyiD6 Better al Leach's" 93ganjfStrP'M AIZJw. Hone stoke only TwTjU- Dixieland jazz. 1 George the comic who you wouldn't think has an. in tellectual hair in! his mustache, breezed in three timts. AH for classics.

Said hefd be back tomorrow for some "He's my heaviest buying confided Batsha. "Jane Withers used to be. But since she got married, guess Bhe has other thlngsj Jto do." Amos 'n Andy turned out to be fans of group singing records. But the blggesB surprise was Larry "Jolson Story" Parks. When he sauntered In, Barsha gave us a wiatch-khis nudge.

"Got a new Jolion record in today, Larry', Leon remarked brightly. Mr. Parks regarded; him coldly. I 1 He bought several albums, all classical. "Never buys a Jolson grinned the record man.

After diligent research, we discovered a point, that may or may not be of sone anterest to Rep. J. Parnell Thiomas little groUp. Russian composers like Rimskv- is.arsaKorr ahd Shostakovich quite the vogue gcrowd now jJ A IS Gift ELECTRICAL 225 BANK ST. Speedy; with Compldo Floors Qualify Furnitcro 1 1 Classical SALES 2-1193 Transportation by street car -is if parking reguli observed iby all THE OTTAWA ELECTRIC RAILWAY achieved tions are drivers; are the movie Edition UNITED CHURCH liYHHARY i Words N6W in Stock i 1 oi 9iy) tour sizes alsb Music a.

nr. jar vis "THE BOOKSTORE" I I Our Bible values are wondefu) lower prices. Open Eiry Vfeek-I UnUl Christmas FjURE I MAPUE1 SYRUP Renaud's Groceteria (Merr4) 1. H. lUj()IK.

ITop. 447 CUMBERLAND ST. 175 Sparks St 12-4231 Quality Value lj Beauty I76R tD fe A T. RECORDS I L. 1 1 I Ground Flodr Service I Listening Booths I LI DECCA Eiclutre jirtisti i i BINGlCROSBV AL JOLS0N dick! HAlTMES INK SPOTlS i COUUWBIA Exclustfc j4 rtist HARRY JAMES i DINAH St ORE i WOODY HERMAN BUDDY CllARrC All The fullest Complete Stock: Popular MINUTE MYSTERIES Hi Enquire lined AH A UTESiPur HOT PLATES4-Sini1 rtand.

(New). 1 I. 1 1 li TTTF OTTAWA JOURNAL THLTISDAT. NOVEMBER IS, 1141 PITCHING! HORSESHOES ThdHabmBroke the Major 1 i By BILLY ROSE. 1 "The next day I cut In a snort- iWould yoa be interested ih loving janitor and.

set up it train- acqpiring an tynugual ing camp oo the of one of I asked Major timothy Morgan. "A our tenement. Acting as i is train mrA 1 tnttirlfitf nannAF taught the tall pickpocket what I knew about manly art of self defence U- eliminating, of course, those refinements which have to do with the. elbows and teeth. The giant was an exem plary.

pupil, although on; several occasions I bad to insist- on the return ol my cey ring ana cone screw." I I got a picture of the paunchy Major in the fireman-red under wear, skipping rode With his protege on windy I roof "Don't ring," I told my telephone girl "This is an important moment in my life." rf "A month later I igot imy boy his first continued the Major. "Ills opponent was an old warrior named Bicks who hadn't won a bout -since Camera was champ. I bet our lend, of the purse fifteen dollars -f- on the giant, whom 1 had named 'Ignor ant Eddie Burke' so! as; to confuse his opponents. "On the night of the fight, feas in Ignorant Eddie's corner. My boy started piling up points right from the opening belL.

At the entf-of the first iround. Old Man Bicks had trouble finding his corner. At the beginning of the second, my boy produced considerable claret with sharp right to Bicks' schnoz. It was only a question of jtime now Bicks Tell into! a clinch! "The referee stepped in to separate the men. When; they I yelled for my boyj to finish form of Quebec' forestry Indus try in an address here last night, warning against "serious danger" of over-productloal which might lead to unemployment as well as depletion of timberi reserves jne premier aavisea ine puip and paper, industry the Que bec Government would not per mit "abuses of 10 or 15 yeaxs ago" and urged developtnent of new forest products to make the wid est use of iresources.

which he said were as jyaluable ai any on the worm American conuneni. Premier Duplessis-spoke before the annual convention of the Quebec Forestry Engineers' Association whole member he described as "doctopi of the He solicited theirasalstane In reform's leading to "veritable prog ress" by a complete a use as possible of forest products more than 30 percent. of which were waited atone time, he EnropeanH coantriel supported themselves with by-product from similar material. i The Premier saidfloods in the province last year had been partly due forest exploitation in which there had been "lack of lack of understanding, absence of patriotism and of public I "Unempioymeni or conscience always isflat the source of indus trial he said. The Premier warned that dangers oi over-production in the pulp' and jpaper industry were immediate I Old machinery as well as workers needed a he suggesting Sunday observance as a way of bring ing it about, i Money-making wis partly re sponsible or the extent of exploitation! the Premier said, noting that the paper industry had announced "big dividends which brought an investigation" in the United States.

When! prices increased in the United States "some persons sought to Intervene frith audacity to fix the price of paper, not through; the intermediary of the Government but through the intermediary of said the Premier, He added that his Govern ment reserved the? "inalienable right" of conducting: its own bus! ness "witn includingj symers" justice for everyone" 'justice for the con- Premier! Duplessis said "in some quarters thejf are prepar- i I I ing tifie WINDSORS MAY VISIT ALBERTA RANCH The Duke and duch*ess pf Windsor told reporters on their arrival in New York after a I six months' trip to Britain and France that they may visit the Duke's EP ranch south of Lethbridge, Altai The Duke termed hls'ranfch' a "great link with Canada" and it is a piece of property which "is: an assurance I shall return there jsome The Windsors, wo were omitted from the invitation list for the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lieut. Philip Mpuntbattcn on Nov. 20, declined discuss the royal wedding, I terfning It "purely a personal aid family I Duplessis Calls for Reform Of Quebec's Forest QUEBEC, 12. CP) Premier Duplessis called for re Ipecia Spe latlon which is not ju not Inr connection with a general warning I that the Government would npt stand" for "market 1 CSUUi LCI IUIU rights had been posed neW mills resources speculation' with the public estafe, trie Premier mentioned the ha me of "St. Ijiwrence Papir Mlllj The Premier declared his Government's! aim was collaboration witri indultry "on a basis of jus ticeV I He said it waa -the Government's duty to restrict forest operational to the bounds nd added that timber refused to pr-for that reason.

1 urged existing plants 1o make use jjof wood cut by color -istsj which, he said, was beirg shipped to the United' States where in! finished products competed fwith Quebec industr; ti Premier thought industry on new land could hnd-ln-hand, industry the Security, of "long-rang ing" and the colonists js "fre men on free Priemier Duplessis said he hoped hjis remarks would be "takei In good since he sough "stability I of industry, emploj -meni Deaths 1 LQNDON. Baroness Orczy, 80, author ofkthe Scarlet Pimpernel novels. 1 BANGOR, Me. Fred D. Jordan, 69, isresideit and publisher of thp Bangbr Dily News for 18 years.

VALLEYFIELD, Que. Msgi. E. Eqmond Aubin, 71, honorary Vicars-Genlral of the Valleyfield Diocese. 1 KIRKLAND LAKE, OnL-JT.

B. Menard, .04, who is survived by seven children, 59 grandchildren 47 great-grandchildren, and onf greatfgreat-grandchild. I Dr. Colin Gl Sutherland, 55, assistant professo of meidicirie at McGill University NEW YpRK. John Basset Moore, B61 nationally recognized authority On international law and the fim Axnerican elected to the; Permanent Court of International Justice atLThe Hague.

MmFORD, Conn. John Thur land Chattaway, whose, hit; songs "Mandy Lee" and "Red still are popular quartet favorites Holly wood Stars 1 Dowrj to tljie Record Shos By AI.INE MOSBY. Iritlih United Prris Cbrrnpondmt. I I HOLLYVOOD, N6v. 13 If lybu want to know what a mdvife star really is like, jus track fcirp dwn to a record shop.

The tough screen heroes buy kid' misic and the sophisticates g6 io fqr the root n' Wester stuff. that's because movie folks an sJ fed upwith the roles thef pfiiy they're crarnninK thei h'mes with; records, unlike ttieif screen that thef can escape to. ,1 lil'ou'd think Vincent! Price woul prjfer Chopin sonatas twirljinj arbund his jancy victrola. pu Tift sir. Hell talke Tex William crponing An Old.

Paihf any aay. 20 000 Years! Old 1 And John Garfield likes! nothing better than i the albums! that record; people put ut jforl ihS email fri I I This eye-brightening info wea coftected hiding tsehind he coiinter at jthe BSrsha Music Shp. Leon Barsba prop, Mr. B. id i an exrmovie man hirnself, having spent 20 fruit-full but vaguely unhappy years producing and directing pictures.

Furthermore, his place of is in what, this year anyway, is the centre of fllnjville. Right across the street frpm the famous Schwab's drugstore on the ledge Ofme Sunset strip. I i Tiu8 a filnister id dead if he doesn't buy His records, at Bar- sha, so Lean gets i 'em He ever) keeps instruments around $0 cuspmersr lik BobiMitchurh can nave an aucrnoon jam session. Thinks Whale Bones! 1 ti Found in Quebec QUEBEC, Nov. (CP) Provincial Zoologist Noel Comeaii saidtoday discovery of fossilized whae bones Daveluyville ih Artiiabaska county as the "most Intejijsting" ih! his 5 years Iwith the provincial! museum I Mif.

Corheaui, just Returned from a vit to the farm of Marcel Soucr at Daveluyville, said he bej-lieved the bons were those of phySeter catodon orj a megaptera nodosa, types of whale that; still exisf and have undergone little physical change in the last 20,000 or 30,000 years. I estimated the; age of the bonejs at 20.000 years approximately, i 1 1 i Thle zoologist; said the difference? between a phyteter catodoi and la megaptera nodosa is i that the Second hasi teeth. Some 25 year ago a "liVing fossil" of the megptera nodosa teeth iji its inferior maxilliary was found at Mont Joli'iri the) south shore pt Lower Lawrence. It was bigger than the Soucy whale, I Dfecovery of the whale bones by Soucy while he dug a ditch on his farm: was the first of its kind in the Eastern part of Quebec. Ih the fame arei, however, the of mbllusks have beeh found.

i i I Mi. Comeau estimated that the Soucy whale: belonged to the quarternary or present period anjl Uiusf is recent in terms of zooi- logil and geological history. He said about fourffifths of the fossil had been found and it would be possible! to make the classification as physeter or megaptera once it was established thatlthe Soucy whale! had or! had not jteeth. I 1 Just now it's impossible "to say becatise the slower! ijawbone fs missing. 1 Scirne of the bones have beeji soldfby Soucy! but their purchase hias promised! that the provincie virillpae given preference when hje So in comes And SOthern.

We figured she'd pji up some swoony Jean Sabjc nj records. But down went her cas 1, as usual, for a Brahms symphdny, Melvyp jDouglaisj Is anothpr screen smoothie wholike Price, doesn't stay in after 6 p.m. character strode out of Barsha's loaded with good, old A Little ToucA of Death il Hi I Asold Sarahj Biddte's last, rpj luclajit breath frighted he soui -Into eternity, Helen Bidcjlf sighted exultantly. known manufacturer. PARKAS Navy I blue.

strine. NewL i i i Tihjree days later sk would re turn and "find" poor AUntle de4-An atitopsy would reMeal sne dije from an accidental ior lntejnl-tional) overdose of the digital is she had been taking fjr her heart. Then the money1. I But now she must ar ange things perfectly. I li touches thatpmade the! diff erer qe between success and jthje'.

Thitjs wh; women wejre the jmbre su-cessful murderirs-l-thy I had! fa flairf for details: let's! see. Trie p-chids id gardenias brougrit-rAunte's favorites a few -pjetaUs of eeh near the vase pnj th t4ble. Thfrie! Nb I a bit i closer tb the That's hoW ther should in three days. Now tr. bedlipe Bottle bjre spb6n thefe glass; over hen i npj a CUTa(DW6RSaid If you are in need of unusual expenses your problem! yenience, and ho de offer No There smart, new dothej these diys, Fine easy ays.

ho red tape Take advan I fDlal5i60 No Interest; ACCO if I FLYING P.Nt gabardine ina reason why should delay in secu Wake your Chopping prooiem easier stocks are complete tiunareas pplendid offer, ko why no I I 183 Rideau Street are join All Credit Subject the Approval of Eleclncal Shop Aft- used by the U.S. At Hed by 1b VS. lined with front Upttr. Brftwn i Corps. Ik PAID AS ARRANGED Ricrht now bur racks are filled witri wearing aDpariel formen.fviromen and is i "I If GASOLINE CAN 5 It Jod condltlpn.

with imperial gallons. a j. SHtEPSKIN-LINED IACKETS A4 Brown moutonl collar NAVY BURBERRY qO ELBCTR1C HEATERS New. usml bi ew. navy ivory ens Made Tofl i li- wool Uned.

with aiood. Waist Ife- own leather. heepkln-lined i trifli nearer, frhere. Atinti rml- reading when he became luacpn-s scions, so a nlfe book left iee. OnFoot in Heaven.

tgro-l pos! Put it here onihe int.1 The I shades jst a little farther 1 dowh.The llhls! On, jf; coXlrseJ Phey! Almost! pipped there jThej body should She Noi i bet- ter not. i -CJrdinarilyi: said three days later. "I should someone had Jeen In this rbom after you left- but as know no one has, know yoti. Helen Biddle, faked; this setting. Tbe iron of it isjtou were poo care- iui uius ujc mis urn cuiai will probably Mang you.

What clue told Fordney the? set ting was xakecr Solatjoh fa*ge 3 if 1 fordney faced with clan will solve -no jincdn age of the outstanding es this season's smart rt fchildrjpn, nd there's ho ing; your requlremeras. by shoDDine now wb le daily taking to tlis FINE j. i Call 3-9333 lOur' Ctedtt Departme I SAVE WttECTtUCVrY ELECTRIC ElEnnTLE Boils en 7 bush wslter for 16 cups of tea ih 41 minutes. Bii 155 BANK ST, ..5 '1 I 1 apout its time tana current, saving xeauires ai iu time saving ieauir Bjid currerj. iiAchiilling ph.

j-ns lwvi. il i Ml I I l-i i i FlitlNO B06tS4-A FOR OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS Sheeixkln Pair SIOI FLTING JACKES-4Asitued bylthe U.S. Air Corps. 1 Sheepkln New. ripper fronti and legs.

Suitable ot akiing. moitorcycUn. etc. 4 Interch Suitable GOGGLES able lens of idiffereiit acplours. i FLYING GAUSTLETS-fBlack leather, wt side xipperj 1 U.S.f NAVY GREATCOATS Newj with lined.

ij i i TABLE LIGHTERS tuV aluminum, highly uvc stand. (Keg. 54 95 .14 INNER LININO SWEATERS Witi 'sleeves, 'n i' (III 5 1 Each SMOCKS Khaki Ideal fbo use as laboratory coau. Sach 91 3 BLjACK LEATHER lITTS New As uaed the Jf VESTS Chamois leather, aheepskfn Uned. IZipper fropt.

Each II making iinjrri. dreises. baby et. icioutea. etc 4f ELECTRIC IRONS New, in original car to a.

Regular $13:30 Ik. 34 goret. ail White I SuUable for i uca 1 fir burner) encaed ln beautiful aluminum I- II Earb IMS a well- Each z.n draw Eacb Jtl Jl exibl noztle. holds Eac tha Nayy. I EachllK.SS Ifct.U luM colour targ I Each S1S.SS elled, 10QO watt.

i-lined pr EacB ill! heavy Pair Fair 49c and S9 inner silk, lining. Pair Slat attachei alplne- Each S2ija ilished. on artrac- Eaea iui Tan colou Each 1244 I OUT of towt lAIL ORDERS ANDC.O.D.'l acepted 1. i p. Lid.

Prodilcts Surplus ilkis Rideau St. Interchange- ay Arctic Circle; Is alwaycfrtffot ice because of the Gulf ptreim. PlilvNTS COMRliETIE HLORAL DESIGNS I BRUCE 1069 Bank! CREIG by HTON'S FLOWERS 1LJ II I I II" mm Nppi If; MMH IEAR! 5i I i 1)1 and credit youe whatcoetfr i in The deeD hirbor at Petsamo. Finland. 200 niues north of the.

The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.