How Long Does PSLF Take to Process? 6 Months or More (2024)

#1 Student loan lawyer

Updated on September 16, 2023

PSLF processing takes several months, and total time to loan forgiveness is at least ten years, requiring 120 qualifying payments. Timelines can vary based on individual circ*mstances. In some cases, it could even take longer.

While the official word from the Department of Education suggests a processing time of at least 90 business days by MOHELA, the PSLF servicer, experiences reported by borrowers range from a few weeks to over six months.

Ahead, we’ll dive deeper into the PSLF application timeline and factors that contribute to the time for Public Service Loan Forgivenessto be approved.

The PSLF Application Process

If you’re about to take the plunge and apply for the PSLF Program for the first time, breathe easy—we’ve got your back. Below is a straightforward, step-by-step guide to help you get through the application process with ease.

  • Check Your Eligibility: Before you even pick up a pen or hit that keyboard, make sure you’re eligible. You need to have Direct Loans and be working full-time for a qualifying employer—this could be a government agency or certain non-profit organizations. Also, make sure you’re paying under an income-driven repayment plan.

  • Use the PSLF Help Tool: Head over to the Federal Student Aid website and find the PSLF Help Tool. This feature will guide you through the eligibility criteria and help you navigate the application process.

  • Complete the PSLF Form: Fill out the PSLF application form with your personal details, including your name, Social Security number, and contact information. Here, you’ll also declare why you’re submitting the form—whether it’s to check your qualifying payment count or to apply for loan forgiveness.

  • Get Your Employer’s Approval: The next section of the form will ask for your employer’s details, such as their name, address, and Federal Identification Number. An authorized official from your workplace will need to fill out, sign, and date this part.

  • Submit the Form: Once you’ve completed the form, you can submit it electronically via the PSLF Help Tool or mail it in. The choice is yours.

  • Keep Tabs on Your Progress: Make it a habit to submit a new PSLF form every year or whenever you change employers. This keeps your application up-to-date and helps ensure that your payments are counting toward forgiveness.

By the time you hit that 120th payment while working for a qualifying employer, you’ll be eligible for PSLF.

Note: If you recently consolidated Perkins Loans or Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) into a Direct Consolidation Loan, you’ll likely have to wait a few months longer to have your total PSLF eligibility determined.

Related: Full Sail Student Loan Forgiveness

Average Wait Time for PSLF: What to Expect

The average processing time for PSLF applicants can vary, but borrowers should generally expect a wait of up to six months. Factors like application volume and loan servicer transfers can affect this timeline.

Navigating Delays in Limited PSLF Waiver Approvals

First off, take a deep breath—you’ve done your part. If you submitted your PSLF application forms by the October 31 deadline, rest easy. You’ve set the wheels in motion toward potential loan forgiveness.

By meeting this deadline, you’ve put yourself in a strong position to benefit from the Limited PSLF Waiver. Approval means significantly reduced loan burdens, so hold tight—your financial freedom may be just around the corner.

Must-Know Factors in the PSLF Journey

We know waiting for PSLF approval can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. Understanding the ‘why’ behind the delays may offer some comfort.

  1. High Application Volumes: With many borrowers reaching the 120-payment milestone, the system is getting jam-packed. It’s like waiting in a long queue at your favorite brunch spot—everyone wants a piece of the freedom pie.

  2. Loan Transfers to MOHELA: If your loans were initially with another servicer like FedLoan Servicing, for example, the transfer to MOHELA can add extra waiting days. Think of it as switching airlines during a layover—you’re still going to your destination, just not as directly as you’d like.

  3. Missing or Incomplete Information: Incomplete forms can send your application back to the starting line. Just ask Reddit user kocodarlings, who saw their “pending review” status mysteriously change to “duplicate.”

  4. Employer Eligibility Reviews: If your employer hasn’t been pre-approved for PSLF, you might find yourself in an additional waiting loop.

Fast-Track Your PSLF Application: Pro Tips

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on your MOHELA account or your most recent loan statement to track your remaining balance.

  • Clear the Air: Got questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate to contact MOHELA at 1-855-265-4038.

  • Escalate If Needed: Not getting the answers you need? The Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group can be your last resort. You also have the option to reach out to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or your local representatives for additional support.

Key Points to Consider During the PSLF Process

  • Taking Proactive Steps: If your PSLF waiting period extends beyond 30 days, consider filing a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Reddit user Hyperion1144 suggests this as a way to take control when life decisions—from taxes to job changes—are in limbo.

  • The Emotional Payoff: While the wait can be grueling, the result is often transformative. Reddit user gldngrlee describes achieving loan forgiveness as a life-altering event. So hold on, double-check your forms, and file a complaint if necessary. Your financial freedom is on the horizon.

  • Understanding MOHELA’s Role: Curious about who’s handling your PSLF application? MOHELA is the loan servicer commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education to navigate you through the PSLF process—from the moment you apply to the joyous occasion of loan forgiveness.

Post-Submission: What Comes Next in PSLF?

After you’ve submitted your PSLF application, the clock starts ticking. Officially, MOHELA estimates a 90-business-day window for processing. But let’s level with each other: the actual waiting period can stretch from a quick two to three months to an agonizing six months. Why the delays? Here’s what’s gumming up the works:

  • Backlog of Applications: Yep, you’re not the only one in line. The backlog can significantly slow down the approval process.

  • Limited PSLF Waiver Aftermath: Remember when the Limited PSLF Waiver expanded eligibility rules? It was a blessing but also a curse, creating a tidal wave of applications and adding to the existing backlog.

  • Miscellaneous Factors: Missing information on your form or high volumes of employer reviews can also add days, if not weeks, to your waiting time.

The Limited PSLF Waiver: Blessing or Curse?

The Limited PSLF Waiver was a lifeline for many, temporarily changing the PSLF rules to include past repayments that wouldn’t usually qualify. It ended on October 31, 2022, but its impact lingers on, contributing to MOHELA’s backlog. So if you applied during this period, brace yourself for a potentially longer wait.

Related: How Do I Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness After 25 Years

Tackling the PSLF Application Backlog

While MOHELA hasn’t provided explicit details on the backlog, it’s evident that one exists, adding to the processing delays. The influx of applications during the Limited PSLF Waiver, along with routine challenges like loan transfers, has put MOHELA’s processing capabilities to the test.

The difficulties MOHELA faces are multifaceted:

  1. Volume: MOHELA has to sift through tens of thousands of application scans. While some can be processed through software, others require manual review.

  2. Staffing: The organization had to rapidly onboard and train several hundred new employees to handle a complex program riddled with intricacies that confound even legal experts.

  3. Regulatory Hurdles: MOHELA depends on the Education Department’s review to apply credits to borrowers under the Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) Waiver.

These challenges collectively contribute to the sluggish pace of the PSLF application process.

The Final Steps: Confirming Approval and Loan Forgiveness

To confirm your PSLF application’s approval, watch for a notification from MOHELA or track your status in real-time on or MOHELA’s website. Once approved, say goodbye to your remaining Direct Loans—they’re forgiven and not considered taxable income.

The Waiting Game for Confirmation: How Long Does It Take?

The timeline for your Public Service Loan Forgiveness approval and actual loan discharge can differ significantly. While some borrowers may receive approval within 60 business days or even 90 calendar days, others might wait up to six months.

Various factors contribute to these differing timelines:

  1. First-Time Applicants: If you’re submitting a PSLF application for the first time, MOHELA may need extra time to verify your employment history, extending the wait.

  2. Employer Identification: If your employer’s identification number isn’t listed in the PSLF Help Tool, it triggers a manual review, adding to the processing time.

  3. Form Errors: Delays can also occur due to minor issues like a missed signature, requiring more time for corrections.

The Moment of Truth: When Loans Get Forgiven

Well, this largely depends on how long MOHELA takes to process your application. The official timeline suggests at least 90 business days, but prepare yourself for the possibility of a longer wait, even stretching to six months.

Related: Discover Student Loan Forgiveness

Your PSLF Cheat Sheet: Essentials to Know

  • Biden’s Influence on PSLF: The Biden administration has proposed several changes to the PSLF program, although Congress has yet to pass significant reforms. The federal government’s focus has been on streamlining the application process and expanding eligibility criteria for student loan borrowers.

  • Deferment and Forbearance: Deferment and forbearance are options that allow you to temporarily pause your loan payments. While these periods won’t count towards your 120 qualifying PSLF payments after the IDR Waiver ends, they can provide financial relief in challenging times.

  • Loan Types and Balances: Various types of federal direct loans are eligible for PSLF. Keeping track of your loan balance and making on-time payments are critical steps in your journey toward loan forgiveness. PLUS loans, for instance, are also eligible for PSLF provided you meet other criteria.

  • FSA and TEPSLF: The Federal Student Aid (FSA) office is a helpful resource for all things related to federal student loans, including PSLF. The Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF) program offers another avenue for borrowers who might not qualify for standard PSLF.

  • Additional Tips: Some states, like New York, offer state-specific student loan repayment and forgiveness programs that can supplement PSLF. While these programs aren’t directly connected to PSLF, they can offer additional avenues for debt relief, especially for those working in for-profit sectors.

Bottom Line

Anxious about speeding up your approval for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and ensuring your loans are forgiven? You’re not alone, and there’s help available. Book a call with our team today to craft a personalized student loan strategy that aims for faster forgiveness and peace of mind. Take the first step toward securing your financial freedom now.


What does it mean if my PSLF has been processed?

When your PSLF status is 'processed,' it means MOHELA has reviewed your application and applied credits under original PSLF rules or waivers. Check's PSLF tracker for your qualifying payment credit.

How do I know if my PSLF has been processed?

To track your PSLF status, log into or check MOHELA's website. You can also contact MOHELA at 1-855-265-4038. Be patient, as high submission volumes may cause delays.

How long does it take for MOHELA to respond to PSLF?

MOHELA takes up to 14 days to acknowledge receipt of your PSLF form and at least 90 business days to process it. Factors like loan transfers and application volume can extend this period.

How long for MOHELA to process PSLF?

MOHELA acknowledges PSLF form receipt within 14 days and processes forms in at least 90 business days. Various factors, such as loan transfers and application volume, may extend these times.

How Long Does PSLF Take to Process? 6 Months or More (2024)


How Long Does PSLF Take to Process? 6 Months or More? ›

Timelines can vary based on individual circ*mstances. In some cases, it could even take longer. While the official word from the Department of Education suggests a processing time of at least 90 business days by MOHELA, the PSLF servicer, experiences reported by borrowers range from a few weeks to over six months.

How long will it take for my PSLF to be approved? ›

The PSLF application process can take a few months. It may take longer if you haven't been submitting regular PSLF Forms, or shorter. During the wait, you have the option of continuing to make payments or putting your loans into forbearance.

Why is PSLF waiver taking so long? ›

We received unprecedented volumes of PSLF form submissions and consolidation applications. It will take time for the PSLF servicer, MOHELA, to process all the form submissions and make adjustments to your accounts. We expect that it may take at least 90 business days for MOHELA to process these forms.

How long does MOHELA take to process payments? ›

When will my payment post to my MOHELA account? Mail: 2-4 business days from receipt to post. However, the payment will be effective the date your payment is received. Online: 2-4 business days from the payment processing date to post.

How will I know if my PSLF is approved? ›

How Will I Find Out if I'm Approved for Student Loan Forgiveness? If you have applied for forgiveness under a program like the PSLF or Teacher Loan Forgiveness program, your student loan servicer will notify you regarding your loan being forgiven totally, or partially with a remaining balance, depending on the program.

How long does it take for MOHELA to process PSLF application? ›

Loans serviced by MOHELA? If you faxed or mailed your PSLF form to MOHELA it may take up to 14 days for your account to note that the form was received. Please allow at least 90 business days for your form to be processed.

Why is it taking so long to process my PSLF application? ›

According to, PSLF processing times depend on: Whether you previously submitted employment documentation for review versus submitting documentation all at once when you apply for loan forgiveness. The number of qualifying employers you've had. If you have gaps in your employment or payment history.

What is the MOHELA controversy? ›

MOHELA is facing a class-action lawsuit from borrowers who allege the company repeatedly failed to process their PSLF applications. Come May 1, the company will no longer be the sole servicer for the loan forgiveness program as the Education Department revamps its servicing operations.

Why does my MOHELA balance say zero? ›

MOHELA, the loan servicer for the PSLF program, has stated that payment counts for PSLF may temporarily show zero qualifying payments. This can be really confusing for borrowers who were told they needed to consolidate their loans in order to be eligible for PSLF or to maximize their eligibility for PSLF.

What is the denial rate for public service loan forgiveness? ›

At that time, when borrowers first started applying for forgiveness, we found that the PSLF program had denial rates upwards of 99%. Among reasons for denial, borrowers were told that they did not qualify because they were under the wrong loan program or had the wrong repayment plan.

What is the average wait time for MOHELA? ›

MOHELA reported an average wait time of less than two minutes to connect with its customer service representatives via telephone in July 2023. Complaints referenced in the class-action lawsuit say wait times reached up to nine hours in 2022.

How long does MOHELA take to approve? ›

Good news! MOHELA can be your servicer! The entire process typically takes between four and six weeks from the date your application is received. Before completing a consolidation application, carefully consider the following information to determine whether loan consolidation is the best option for you.

How do I know if my MOHELA loan will be forgiven? ›

If you work in certain public service jobs and make 120 payments on your Direct Loan(s), you may be eligible to have your loans forgiven. If you are a teacher in a low-income school or educational service agency, you may be eligible for Teacher Loan Forgiveness.

How do I track my PSLF status? ›

If we verify that your employment qualifies, we'll then review your payment history. You can check the status of your form(s) when you log in to Don't forget to submit the PSLF form with your employment certification every year.

What happens when PSLF made 120 payments? ›

After you Make 120 Qualifying Monthly Payments for PSLF

After you make your 120th qualifying monthly payment for PSLF, you'll need to submit the PSLF form to receive loan forgiveness. You must be working for a qualifying employer at the time you submit the PSLF form.

What happens after you make 120 payments in PSLF? ›

If you've already made 120 qualifying monthly payments, you'll be notified that the entire remaining balance of your eligible Direct Loans will be forgiven, including all outstanding interest and principal.

When should I hear back about PSLF? ›

“We expect that it may take at least 90 business days for MOHELA to process [PSLF Employment Certification] forms, says the Education Department. But it can take even longer than that.

What happens after submitting a PSLF application? ›

If your PSLF form is approved, you'll be notified of your payment count toward the required 120 qualifying monthly payments. The number of qualifying payments you've made will be updated only when you submit another PSLF form that documents a new period of qualifying employment.

What is the acceptance rate for PSLF? ›

11% of all PSLF and TEPSLF applications have been approved, according to June 2023 data from the Department of Education (673,077 approved for discharge among 6,147,812 total applications). Total discharges processed included: 19,218 for PSLF and 6,520 for Temporary Expanded PSLF.

What happens after submitting PSLF? ›

After you submit your form, the PSLF servicer will conduct a review of the specific dates of your employment for eligibility.


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