How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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I’m kinda hoping as this is my third pregnancy after 2 miscarriages but know it’s luck of the draw lol ��

My hcg level was 20 at 9dpo (3 weeks, 4 days) which I thought was pretty high! Especially from my last 2! Just curious-Any comments/stories?!

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How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (8)


It was my 4th pregnancy and literally did not have a clue.

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (9) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (10) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (11) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (12) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (13) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (14)


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I didn't know.

I did have exceptionally dark at home pregnancy tests, but that in and of itself is not an indication of multiples.

It truly wasn't until my first ultrasound that we learned that I was clearly expecting two babies (super clear di/di twins at 6 weeks showed up!) and it wasn't until I did my NIPT that I learned my boys are identical.

You just don't really know until science gets involved, with blood and ultrasounds!

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did you have twins in your family??

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (21) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (22) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (23) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (24) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (25) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (26)


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This is my second pregnancy in a year, so I had a really big hunch when I felt like I couldn’t stay awake for the life of me. And it’s so hard to be there for my 7-9m old when mommy has no energy. That was sign 1, sign 2 was I felt super sick, but not sick enough to throw up, just every time I ate I would feel like complete crap all day, it wouldn’t go away until I’d wake up. I had barely an appetite. Sign 3, my belly felt tight, large and super uncomfortable. I honestly wanted to go to the hospital a few times because I just felt like something wasn’t right.

I finally got my ultrasound last Tuesday, and was confirmed I’m having twins. They are currently in separate sacs but they aren’t sure yet if they share a placenta. I hope that helps ♥️❤️

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (27) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (28) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (29) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (30) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (31) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (32)


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I’m sorry for your losses and I hope this pregnancy is sticky for you.

High HCG and symptoms aren’t reliable indicators of twins. You are going to get some confirmation bias here because we all were/are pregnant with multiples.

I actually had higher HCG initially with my singleton pregnancy than I did with my twins. My symptoms were more extreme during my twin pregnancy, but they didn’t really hit until about 7 weeks (and that was after the ultrasound confirmed there were two babies with heartbeats).

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I wouldn’t have been able to tell from symptoms. Even between my two twin pregnancies, they were totally different. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (39) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (40) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (41) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (42) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (43) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (44)


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Thanks everyone. I know hcg isn’t a super clear indicator, but we’ll see! I’m also wondering the chances of hyperovulation after an early/5 week miscarriage as I conceived before my missed period. I’m also tall, older (35) and twins are on both sides (but farther back in my family line) �� I’ll be happy either way ❤️����

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (45) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (46) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (47) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (48) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (49) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (50)


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I am currently 14dpo with “dye stealers” the past two days and lots of stretching feeling going on in my lower abdomen. I am also 35, tall, had a chemical last month and am 99% sure I hyper ovulated last month. So. We’re twinning lol I don’t have twins in the family on my side (my bf does but I guess that doesn’t matter?) but I have a weird feeling it’s twins. Keep us posted on your journey!! �� ��

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this was my test today at 12dpo. Way darker than the last two pregnancies at this point so giving me hope. Whether it’s 1 or 2 I’ll be so thankful ��

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (57)

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (58) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (59) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (60) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (61) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (62) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (63)


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if I find anything out about my situation I’ll let you know!! Fingers crossed. ��

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (64)

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I didn’t. I had no idea and was COMPLETELY shocked when we found out at our first ultrasound.

My hCG was in the 700s at 4-5 weeks.

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Had absolutely no clue it could be twins. My line progression was a bit slow (didn’t get a dye stealer until maybe 16 or 17 dpo) and symtoms were slow to start and didn’t hit me hard until about 8 or 9 weeks.

How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (77) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (78) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (79) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (80) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (81) How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (82)


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How did you know you were having twins before your ultrasound ? High hcg levels? Symptoms? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (83)


Mine were a complete surprise - we had a miscarriage the month prior and I hadn’t gotten my period back yet so we had no dates to go off of, just the bloodwork to try to guesstimate when to get an ultrasound for dating. So I thought I was 7-9 weeks for my first ultrasound (which would’ve explained all the nausea for the 2 weeks prior) but turned out I was only 6!

If I had known my ovulation date or last period, I probably would’ve thought something was off because my hcg was obviously measuring high, my at home test was clearly positive SUPER early (and faded quickly over the next couple days, hook effect) and the nausea kicked in at only 4 weeks!

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